Academic Management

Dean of the Economics and Administrative Sciences Faculty at El Bosque University, Bogota, Colombia, with more than 700 active students, 50 professors, researchers and administrative staff attached to the Faculty, with over 10 international exchange agreements with top profile universities, and an approach focused on entrepreneurship, internationalization, humanism and excellency

Picture taken in the Deanship of the Economics and Administrative Sciences Faculty, El Bosque University, Bogota, Colombia

Functions as Dean of the Economics and Administrative Sciences Faculty

— Evaluation and adjustment of the Economics and Administrative Sciences Faculty programs curricula, including syllabus, teaching guides, assessment guides and required learning resources, relating to current market needs and professional profile trends, at national and international levels

— Evaluation and management of the academic staff, such as assistant professors, associate professors, full time professors, guest professors, lecturers, researchers, speakers and auxiliary and support staff, in order to offer the highest levels of excellence for the student community of the Economics and Administrative Sciences Faculty

— Development and implementation of a policy of quality and excellence with the students, professors and research groups, in order to achieve continuous improvement with the students of the Economics and Administrative Sciences Faculty

— Implementation and development of international agreements with institutions and entities related to the Economics and Administrative Sciences Faculty, that provide added value to the current and future programs

— Ensure, enhance and promote the positioning of the Economics and Administrative Sciences Faculty, within the academic and student community, at national and international level

— Motivate and encourage the participation of students, academic staff and research teams of the Economics and Administrative Sciences Faculty in national and international competitions to gain experience, visibility, prestige and international recognition, as well as to enhance the interdisciplinarity between the different programs of the university and with external entities and institutions

— Academic Council member, Faculty Council member, Admissions Committee member, Internships Committee member, Postgraduate and Continuing Education Committee member, Curricular Committee member, Academic and Administration Processes Committee member, Publications Committee member, Editorial Committee member, Planning and Self-evaluation Committee member, Research Committee member, Social Responsibility Committee member, Internationalization Committee member, Students Advisory Committee member, Gender and Equity Committee member, and HUB iEX – FCEA Liaison Committee member

— Execution of any other responsibility required by the Rector or higher academic authority

“The ultimate goal of true education is not only to encourage people to do what is right, but also to enjoy doing it; not only to educate hard-working people, but also people who love their job; not only to train people with knowledge, but also with love for knowledge; not only to motivate pure beings, but also with love for purity; not only to guide fair people, but also with hunger and thirst for justice
- John Ruskin -